Surname |
Name |
E-mail |
Address |
City |
State/Province |
ZIP/Postal Code |
Country |
Education, degree |
Profession |
(name, address/
phone/fax/e-mail) |
If you have a Web site
on the Internet,
what is your URL? |
How long do you
work with TeX? |
TeX accessories you use:
TeX formats |
styles |
utilities |
other |
Hardware & software:
Computer(s) |
Operating system(s) |
TeX engine(s) |
Printer(s) |
Areas where you use
(or intend to use) TeX |
Languages in which your
TeX documents are written
(ordered by priority) |
How often you use the
following output formats? |
Postscript PDF |
Books about (La)TeX which
you consult (regularly) |
Do you have any problems
while working with TeX?
(If yes, please give a brief
description of the problem(s)) |
What is the main direction
of your TeX activity? |
List of self-developed styles,
fonts, tools (if any) |
How many people around you
(friends, colleagues, etc.)
use TeX or know about TeX |
Are you subscribed to any
TeX-related Usenet group
(FIDO echo, Internet
mailing list, c.t.t., etc.)? |
Do you plan to contribute to
certain tasks or activities
within MTUG?
If yes, please indicate some |
Additional information
that you would like
to include in this form: |